No.......I haven't passed on. (Please say you would cry!)
I've been passed out for a few days, but not from excess libation....more like old lady body fatigue. Sorry I haven't been in touch. (I know you missed me??????)
I am now on the government dole having reached the venerable age of 65 on November 1st....All Saints Day (I see you get the connection....ha!)
I feel very young....about 21, I think. My body however has betrayed me in a most sinister manner. I find myself looking to the future with two different where I keep sliding into a more painful, tired, useless, pitiful existence and the other where I embrace my eternal home, glorious in mind and soul and body. I think that will be my focus. That view gives meaning and purpose to my life today and keeps me going.
I am blessed.
And every year I realize it more.
Aside from the fact that my basic needs are met far beyond what is even fathomable by millions around the world, I live with luxury on every hand.
My Starbucks cup is at the ready. I clutch it in my beautiful deep purple leather gloves gifted to me by my children for my birthday. (Did I mention they were tucked into a matching COACH purse??????????????)
Oh and then a stunning snakeskin wallet inside.
But then inside the wallet, a gift in my name to supply water in Uganda. They know my heart.
There was also an amazing gift of memories and blessings and sweet nothings written by friends old and new from around the country and cards and a special parcel in the mail and phone calls and birthday lunches and 2 kinds of cake.
Beautiful words....healing to the soul |
Sandy and I in the foreseeable future |
Beautiful painted rocks from my favourite little boys |
The perfect card from my lovely daughter-in-law |
A jadeite pedestal from my sweet friend Carol |
Judy, my sister came from Nova Scotia to celebrate and shop and talk and eat our way through the week.
We even got to sing at church on Sunday just like we used to do when were small.
Hubby gifted me unmercifully and I am grateful yet embarrassed....... so much after so many years of learning contentment with less.
My favourite thing was getting to spend money on something I wanted and of course I bought the grocery sign. I mean....who wouldn't???
I have decided to have birthdays more often.....well the cake part anyway....minus the additional years.
Talk to you soon.........