Tuesday, 15 September 2015


Sorry I haven't been in touch lately! Why it must be at least a month or so.


 Seven  months?????????? My stars!!!*******

That's what happens when you are flitting around the globe.

 First it was the Pulitzer for one of the little volumes I wrote last year entitled 'The Art of Exaggeration'

 then the Chelsea Flower Show to introduce my newest hydrangea/delphinium cross
 (requires heavy staking),

 then off to Oslo to see my 7 year-old grandson receive the Nobel for his working lego model of the human body (f**ts on command)

Next I finally baked that white chocolate merinque replica of Buckingham Palace
  the Queen has been begging me for (she ate it at one sitting),

then rushed back to see little 5 year-old Davis cross the finish line at the Boston Marathon
 (he hopped the last 10 kms. to give others a chance)

I had hoped to be in Paris for the debut of my new 'Glitzy Granny' line of jumpsuits (order now and receive a free package of Depends) but there was a cancellation at the Mayo Clinic and I had to hurry back for my brain transplant. ( I performed the surgery on myself which was quite exhausting)

The jury is out on whether or not it was successful.


Meanwhile things have slowed down a bit and so I have been fiddling around my townhouse, making little changes.

This is the first place where I have had the luxury of a walk-in closet.

 It sounded so wonderful.

 In truth, it became the graveyard of all things with no real home....

errant Christmas decorations,

 empty boxes (just in case),

 clothes collected over years, slipping off hangers,

 Queen costumes (don't ask), 


 odd socks....

you get the picture.

In a moment which can only be described (by me of course) as pure genius, I decided to turn this dark secret blemish into....

wait for it...

A Dressing Room  (cue music)


I removed the door ( while hubby was out, dragged it away, then told him for me!) and hung silvery curtains....going for a little bling. I bought them at Homesense along with the shimmery little rug.

I had found the vintage stool awhile ago at a thrift store and it is loving its new pride of place.

Tres chic Paris bins hold shoes and jeans.

Hubby (once resucitated) hung the sweet chandelier.

I moved a dresser in from the bedroom, glammed it up with my jewellry box, and a mirrored tray to hold parfum bottles, propped up a mirror,  hung pictures and scarves, coralled purses and foldables in bins, paraded hat boxes.

Removing the door allowed room to hang robes and belts on the side wall.

I pretend I am special now.

Instead of running back and forth between bedroom dresser for undies, to closet for clothes, to dresser for scarf, to bathroom for jewellry, to dresser for socks and belt, having left a trail of nightie and robe and been unable to unearth a coordinating purse ( the horror!) and knocked 3 things off their hangers and been kabonked on the head by a teetering suitcase (soft-sided my foot!).........


I now glide into my new space, hang my nightwear, assemble and change into my complete outfit, pose on my pouf as I select earrings, spritz myself dramatically, select the perfect handbag, bat my eyelashes at my oh-so-clever self reflected in my shimmering mirror and

 swoop into my day.

Hope I run into you. 

You are the real bling in my life!!!


  1. Love this Lucille! *grin* (AND love the dressing room!)

  2. so where does Art hang his clothes now?!!!!

    1. Fortunately for me, he runs around naked! Did I just say that??? Actually he has his own closet.......adequate but not nearly as charming!

  3. Love your creativity. You really are so clever. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. you have such great creativity! frankly my dear I'm jealous!! LOL
