Tuesday 29 July 2014


Just sitting on the porch swing, typing you a little taste of heaven.

(Note big cushions made from $2.99 thrift store, unused fabric shower curtain and rolled pillows from Target for @2.00 each.....SCORE!)

I’m hearing lots of tweets but they are coming from mourning doves, blue-jays, red-winged blackbirds and a host of other birds, not my phone.
I am surrounded by greenery, dozens of different species of trees and plants, some hundreds of years old and some new this week. They exist side by side, each one knowing its place and seemingly content to be there. Giant cedars and hemlocks raise their arms heavenward, pointing to the never-ending sky dressed for the prom in a blue chiffon dress.

I picked wildflowers for the table outside.

At home, I would have relegated them to the compost but here they take on a charm I find irresistible. It makes me ponder (Oh no, another deep thought) about how I treat people. Do I choose to love the beautiful, the popular, the showy, or can I see through to the unique worth of everyone I meet and celebrate each one for their own special significance and purpose? Can I let them shine too or do I take the spotlight for myself? I pray God births in me increasing tolerance, love, acceptance to see beyond my narrow tri-focals to embrace all of his handiwork.

Life is simpler here….no need to impress or produce….just rest and enjoy nature, the absence of timetables and e-mails, the fellowship of people, the blessings of grandchildren.

Perhaps a cabin in the woods is not even on your radar….it certainly was never remotely on mine, and yet here I am. But there are places of quiet rest you can take yourself…….a Starbucks----- just you and your journal, a bubble bath, a morning walk, a quiet corner while everyone still sleeps. Refresh your focus and spirit. Remember what is important, not simply what is urgent and in your face demanding attention. Little people need you, husbands need you. Your family and friends look to you. Draw your strength to be all you need to be from above…you won’t get it running around in circles trying to please everyone nor by burning yourself out proving your worth.

Remember who made you. Remember how precious, valuable, cherished, wanted, you are to Him. Remember the things that will last….not accolades, waistlines, titles, the right clothes, wads of cash, beautiful things…..but the people who have been placed in your life and your impact on them, whether positive or apathetic or negative. Your choice.

Francis Chan says,”….Nothing you do in this life will ever matter unless it’s about loving God and the people he has made.” That should give us pause.


  1. And yet the whimsey and casualness of your cabin is truly delightful, always impressive.

    Thank you for the reminder of our greatest calling. To love God and His people above all else. I truly see Him shine through you.

    Have a great weekend loving those special people. {Happy Birthday Art!!}


  2. Jonelle, Thanks for your sweet words.We had a great time. Hope to see more of you.
