Tuesday 29 July 2014

Down by the Riverside

Just sitting on a bench taking in the view….peace personified. I am in Fort Langley, a 4- minute drive from where I live. It is quaint…like me… and offers feasts for the eyes and tummy….shops with antiques and collectibles, books, one-of-a-kind treasures, caprese grilled-cheese sandwiches in red-checkered cones, rich scoops of waffle- encased gelato, whipped cream and chocolate sauce-adorned mochas, elegant French cuisine (oui,oui).

But then there’s the riverside. Today the water runs stillish…just a slight whisper of breath from God’s lips moves it along. It mirrors its surroundings more easily when it’s not rushing pell-mell to its destination and today perfectly reflects lush greenery, curving hills, cotton-batten clouds…..and tucked to the side, a little white church, steeple pointed heavenward.

I can think here. (that can be dangerous) Mostly, my thought processes slow down. The worries and cares and obligations and hurts and to-do lists and balancing acts take a rumble seat to the serenity before me. How is it that my normal voracious appetite both in my life and on the screen demands action but here stillness feeds my soul and satisfies?  I am reminded of the psalmist words. ‘Be still and know that I am God.’

My recently-adopted daughter-in-law Christy posts beautiful photos of her prairie sky.

She too gazes in wonder at its vastness and beauty and peacefulness. Taking it in can’t help but birth a sense of awe and smallness as if we suddenly see ourselves not as the center of the universe (quelle surprise!)  but as a gaping observer of things far beyond our scope and ken. There is mystery here, but also soul-comfort.  We are not in charge…..there is a bigger plan……we can rest in good hands.

Praying you find your peace today.


  1. Love you Sis!. I remember when autumn's leaves and running water thrilled me so deeply I could hardly breath! I pray to recapture that same awe every time I see God's touch.

  2. Love you more Jude! Thanks for your life-long encouragement.
